Are you looking for a way to gain backlinks and improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO)? One method that can be highly effective is leveraging unlinked brand mentions. If someone has mentioned your brand online, they already have some familiarity with it, making it easier to turn that mention into a backlink.

The first step is to find any unlinked mentions of your brand. These are pieces of content that reference your brand by mentioning names connected to your brand but don't link back to your website, such as product names, service names, brand names, and CEO names. You can find these mentions on social media, podcasts, videos, forums, websites, blogs, and news sites.

How to Find Unlinked Brand Mentions

To find unlinked brand mentions, you'll need a media monitoring tool. Backlink.Watch is one option that can help you with this. Although it's not specifically designed for SEO, its functionality makes it useful when looking for potential backlinks. The tool searches for predefined keywords in real-time across the internet, allowing you to see who's mentioning your brand, products, and services on social media, websites, blogs, discussion forums, review pages, and other publicly available sources online.

Here's how to use Backlink.Watch to find unlinked mentions:

  1. Define keywords: Start by defining the keywords related to your brand that you want to track. These could include your brand name, product names, service names, website address, or CEO name. Ideally, these keywords should be suitable to become anchors of backlinks. For example, if you were working for Tesla, you might track keywords such as Tesla, Cybertruck, Model S, Model X, Model Y, and Elon Musk.
  2. Use the Backlink.Watch tool: Once you have your keywords, it's time to set up projects that will track them. Backlink.Watch will then gather mentions that include these keywords from a variety of sources, such as blogs, news sites, forums, and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
  3. Find unlinked brand mentions: To find unlinked brand mentions, focus on the mentions feed within Backlink.Watch. By default, these are sorted according to time, but you can also sort them by popularity to find the most significant opportunities for link building. You can filter the mentions by source, keywords, and other criteria to narrow down the results.

Once you've found an unlinked brand mention, reach out to the author and ask if they would be willing to add a link to your website. If they agree, you'll have successfully turned an unlinked mention into a backlink!

Start Turning an Unlinked Mention into a Backlink now

In conclusion, leveraging unlinked brand mentions can be a highly effective way to gain backlinks and improve your SEO. With the help of a media monitoring tool like Backlink.Watch, you can easily find relevant mentions and turn them into valuable backlinks for your website.

If you are looking for an alternative to Brand24, there are several social listening tools available in the market, such as Hootsuite Insights, Mention, and Sprout Social. These tools can provide you with insights into what people are saying about your brand on social media and other online platforms, as well as the sentiment behind those conversations. They also offer features such as keyword monitoring, competitor analysis, and influencer identification, which can help you stay on top of your brand's reputation and engage with your audience effectively.

To get started with a social listening tool, you can sign up for a plan for $1 or book a demo of the tool to see if it meets your needs. Make sure to choose a tool that offers the features and functionalities that align with your business goals and objectives.
